Brussels, 21 April 2023 – CEEV welcomes yesterday’s vote of the European Parliament’s Committee on Agriculture (COMAGRI) on the reform of EU rules for registering and protecting geographical indications (GIs) for wine, spirits and agricultural products and quality schemes for agricultural products.
“We believe that the revision of the Geographical Indications system represents an opportunity for the wine sector and we welcome the content of the report adopted yesterday in COMAGRI. We thank MEP Paolo de Castro and the shadow rapporteurs for their hard work. We consider the approach validated yesterday the best possible solution.” said Mauricio González Gordon, President of CEEV.
The position adopted yesterday makes the most of the revision by securing wine specificities in the Common Market Organisation (CMO) while getting also the best from integrating the wine into horizontal food legislation. CEEV has continuously defended that this approach will strategically safeguard the future of the wine sector – improving GI management and protection and being part of the EU quality agri-food sectors’ scheme while preserving wine specificities represents a short-, medium- and long-term strategic opportunity for our sector.
“We now call on the European Parliament to validate the approach during the Plenary vote at the end of May and on the Council to work in the same direction. Considering the importance of this reform at political level, we hope it can be achieved in 2023 under the Spanish Presidency of the Council” said Ignacio Sánchez Recarte, Secretary General of CEEV.
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- Comité Européen des Entreprises Vins (CEEV – represents the wine companies in the industry and trade in the European Union: still wines, aromatised wines, sparkling wines, liqueur wines and other vine products. It brings together 25 national organisations and its members produce and market the vast majority of quality European wines, with and without a geographical indication, and account for over 90% of European wine exports.
- Media contact: Dr Ignacio Sánchez Recarte, CEEV Secretary General,, Mobile: +32 (0)476 88 36 75