Brussels, 28 June 2023 – CEEV General Assembly has met on 27 and 28 June in Ljubljana (Slovenia) to discuss the implementation of a strategic action plan that would help defend the culture of wine and the legitimate place of wine in our society. CEEV General Assembly had the opportunity to discuss with Slovenian Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, the future of the EU wine sector.
Conscious of the increased pressure alcoholic beverages in general, and wine in particular, are suffering at regulatory level for the adoption of measures and initiatives seeking to stigmatize wine consumption without taking into consideration that a moderate wine consumption could be part of a balance lifestyle, CEEV General Assembly has focused its discussions on the adoption of an ambitious plan to defend the culture of wine and the sustainability of the EU wine sector.
“Wine is an economic and cultural product and the result of several thousand-year-old traditions. The moderate and responsible consumption of wine as part of a Mediterranean diet is compatible with a balanced and healthy diet and lifestyle” said Mauricio González-Gordon, President of CEEV. “Today CEEV General Assembly agreed on an ambitious plan to defend the culture of wine and the legitimate place of wine in our society” he added.
The Slovenian Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Mrs Irena Šinko, addressed CEEV General Assembly on Wednesday and presented her vision on the future of the EU wine sector. Minister Šinko underlined “Slovenian viticulture, although “boutique” compared to other countries, is our important sector. Its development is facilitated by the CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027 with various interventions: restructuring of vineyards, promotion on third markets and consumer awareness, basic direct payments, agri-environmental interventions, investments in agricultural holdings – especially with regard to the modernisation of the cellar. New legislation on the use of plant protection products will also be a challenge. However, connecting and representing the interests of wine companies is crucial, and I am pleased that the European Wine Association has been playing an important role in the European wine area for over 60 years.”
Both Mauricio González-Gordon, President of CEEV, and Gorazd Bedenčič, President of the Slovenian Wine Association, highlighted the importance of the challenges faced and committed to work forward having an even more sustainable EU wine sector.
“We ask for your firm and decisive support in Europe and in international forums against initiatives that seek to stigmatize wine and wine consumption without taking into account its link to the Mediterranean Diet and gastronomy, as well as a set of values that go from sustainability and social structuring, to the socioeconomic development of rural areas or to the cultural and landscape heritage of our country.” said Gorazd Bedenčič, President of the Slovenian Wine Association.
Sustainability is a key priority for Europe’s wine sector and has become a central focus at CEEV. In order to provide an updated vision of the sustainability of the EU wine sector and the challenges and opportunities it faces from a 360° approach, a successful side event to the General Assembly was organised on Wednesday.
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- Comité Européen des Entreprises Vins (CEEV – represents the wine companies in the industry and trade in the European Union: still wines, aromatised wines, sparkling wines, liqueur wines and other vine products. It brings together 25 national organisations and its members produce and market the vast majority of quality European wines, with and without a geographical indication, and account for over 90% of European wine exports.
- Media contact: Dr Ignacio Sánchez Recarte, CEEV Secretary General,, Mobile: +32 (0)476 88 36 75